I got myself into quite a process, which involved a few various beverages to get me through, but the end result definitely made it worth it!
I made fondant for the first time! I found a great recipe here: http://whatscookingamerica.net/PegW/Fondant.htm!
The fondant requires some muscle, so I saved the champagne for when it was done... and to brave the clean up as well. Trying to wash melted Marshmallows off bowls and spoons is impossible!
The next step, after refrigerating the fondant overnight, is to roll half tablespoon balls from the fondant, and then roll one side out to make individual petals.
Next, I rolled a center, then added petals, and then shaped each one to make them different so they look more realistic. I also rolled and cut some leaves, and added texture with a bristle brush.

For this process I enjoyed/needed that champagne! It complemented the sweet smell of the fondant and relaxed my shoulders that were still tense from all the kneading the night before.
The third stage is the painting which actually requires vodka! So, I am sure you know what I was sneaking into my soda water for extra inspiration. I mixed the vodka with food coloring to make the color dry faster without making the fondant soft and painted all the leaves and roses in red and green. (I let them dry overnight afterward so that they wouldn't bleed into the frosting)

I got a bit more creative for the topper:

The next day I made my favorite Red Velvet Cake Recipe. I found the recipe here, after trying a few others-this is the best by far!!

Once the cupcakes cooled, I whipped up yummy white chocolate cream cheese frosting with a hint of ski blue, filled up my piping bag and got to work!

Here is the FINALLY finished product on the cupcake tree:

The completed topper:

The beautiful blushing bride!

Cheers Alyssa & Jay! Love you!
Looks amazing!! So elegant and cute.
You did such a great job!!! I loved them!! Great pictures!
Kaitlyn Rose
wow! those cupcakes look super cute and super delicious! came across your site from facebook.. haha How are ya?
You are oh-so-talented! I love you!