Elinor Klivans is my new love! I am usually not too excited about cupcake cookbooks. There are oodles of them out there and not too many of them beat my online recipe researching. But, this lady knows her sweets! I tried out her German Chocolate Cupcake recipe and it is amazing!
You will have to check out her cupcakes! book for the recipe.
This lady has some sweet tricks up her sleeve!
Adding chocolate chips on top of the out of the oven cupcakes...melting for a nice little chocolate surprise..

Mixing up the custard with coconut and pecans.
After the topping sets up over night, completing the little beauties!
soooooo good! I can't put these things down.


In honor of my boss, who inspired me to make these for his b-day...MMMMKaaaay!

Cheers to trying out new recipes and being flabbergasted by the results! Sending my love to Elinor!
I don't know anything about you anymore but I dreamt about you again last night like I do every few months. And again I woke up like I do every time in tears. I dreamt you and Jeff had joined me back in the dorm as if we were reliving our pasts but our memories had not been erased of our futures. But seeing you both I was unable to speak but only sob. I suppose I am only writing this because in my dream Jeff told me it is never too late. I know it was only a dream. I don't really expect a response but I know all the feelings I've felt have only boiled down to a broken sadness that haunts me.